T2 2021: Week 9 — Chuggin’ along, all day, every day

Somerset Ashton-Lewis
4 min readSep 26, 2021

There is going to have to be a lot of planning done over the next couple of weeks. As we get closer and closer to the end of the Trimester, I know I’m going to need to have a firm idea of how I should be using my time going forward. This is a true test…a test of responsibility and accountability. It’ll be way too easy to become complacent and just let everything slip through the cracks. I suppose this is one of the tests of the project, proving we have adequate time management skills. Having a firm plan and timeline laid out is going to be of the utmost importance. Let’s get into it!

Masters Project Supervisor Meeting

I’ve had some great feedback from Michelle and Naomi for my survey. I’ve been slowly refining my questions based on what they’ve said and it’s coming along well.

The first few questions from my “dummy” survey

Making this survey has been way more tricky than I thought. Or, I should say that the process has been way more calculated than I initially assumed. Every question must work with one another, and be in a logical chronology. One wrongly worded, or mis placed question can derail the entire survey. Each response option has to be carefully planned out too. There are so many ways to incorrectly present questions and answers. I honestly think there could be a whole course taught at Griffith about how to make effective surveys.

Hey, maybe that could be a course one day? Or at least an assignment?

I gave myself some homework after coming out of this weeks supervisor meeting.

My “To-Do” list after leaving my meeting with Michelle

I’m still working on a few of these. I’ve fleshed out the user persona’s and refined my survey even further. The persona’s still require a bit more work to make them viable, as they’re too bland in their current incarnation. For this week’s meeting, I’m going to aim to have the survey near completed. Let’s see what Michelle thinks of this.


I’ve decided I’m just going to leave a section here titled “Animation.” I’m doing this because I’m still very much in an Animation mindset. Though I’m no longer academically “studying” animation, it’s still very much a part of my daily conscious.

I’m so torn on wether I should spend the time, energy and willpower to finish my Class 6 animation. The project just needs so much more time dedicated to it, and even with that, I’m still not sure if it’s going to look anything better than “Okay” when it’s done.

I’ve been rigorously collecting information and building a new workflow technique. I’ve learned a lot and I feel like anything I do from here on out is probably going to be a lot different than what I’ve done before. Is my time better spent preparing for a new shot?

Preparing a new Workflow breakdown

On a total side note, I actually got a direct response from the head recruiter at Disney, Matt Roberts!

He responded to my request for information on what feedback the team had given when reviewing my reel. The info he gave was really cool, and should help me improve my content.

Matt’s message to me

Those few sentences are going to be my holy bible moving forward. Now I just need to get out of this rut and start creating something new. Then, I’ll book Sean for a session.

Come on Somerset, find the motivation!

7539QCA — Design Research Methods

We’re now at a stage in the class where we will no longer be doing any presentations or slide coverage. From here on out, it will simply be working on our projects and utilizing Naomi for help with questions and input.

I asked if Naomi could review my survey as it stood a few days ago. Her critique was stern, yet fair. Based on some of her feedback, I’ve been able to refine it into a better outcome. It’s crazy just how much stuff you miss when you are the only one critiquing your work.

Look at all those notes!

I’ve also taken it upon myself to order physical copies of many of the books that I’m using for this Masters. I think it will help if I can actually annotate each and reference them in-hand. Now I just have to wait for them to arrive…

COVID and Mail don’t really go well together.


Chuggin’ along, all day, every day.

That’s how I’m feeling right now. I know last week I talked about “finding the motivation.” Unfortunately, I think I’m still trying to find it. Blast you! Why must you be so hard to find!

Perhaps it’ll all become alright, soon. See you next week!

